There are many reasons why we use Kane analysers. The main reasons being they are robust, easy to use and are good value for money.
We have used a few different makes of analysers over the years but we found Kane analysers to be the best of the bunch.
The 2-day turn around during annual calibration is brilliant and reduces down time.
Analysers are one of the most important tools an engineer owns, so deciding which model best suits your needs is essential.
Kane is quick to help point you in the correct direction. It’s also great how NOx sensors and Bluetooth cells can be retro fitted to analysers, which keep companies at the forefront as technology moves.
As our company grows we continue to buy Kane, we now own 5 and as long as Kane maintain their customer service and quality we wont be changing!”
Shaun Scott
Derek Scott Plumbing & Heating
UK plumber of the year 2016
LINKS: Shaun's Portfolio